It all started with a conversation…

The Columbus Autism Network (CAN) started with a conversation with a parent of a student of mine when I was teaching elementary school. William entered my 4th grade classroom and as a teacher, I already knew William. Everyone in the school “knew” William - or thought they knew him. I already had heard from other teachers how difficult he could be. I already had heard from other teachers how involved his mother was. I was told that since I had a daughter with Autism (who was recently diagnosed), I was the best one equipped to deal with his behaviors. Very quickly, I found out that I was the winning teacher that was so fortunate to have him in my class. I found out that William was super smart, super caring, and super opinionated, but I loved this kid so much! He challenged me as a teacher and a mother. His mother challenged me as a teacher and a mother too! I had never formed such a quick relationship with a parent that was a true partnership in educating their child.

When I was working with my students on problem solving by using logic puzzles, William struggled. His mother and I discussed ways to support William’s lack of problem solving skills and came up with a plan together. When William struggled with peer collaboration, his mother and I talked about strategies to get him involved with his peers. When he did exhibit behaviors and I made the big mistake of taking his recess away, his mother and I brainstormed ways to respond instead of punishing him with lack of recess. Within a year, a student who liked to work alone and keep his nose in a book was soon asking for partners to work with and getting engaged with the class. And several years later, as I moved into a role at a college, I again was able to support William in his college pursuit and then got to see William succeed and graduate from college! I am forever grateful that those teachers gave William to me in 4th grade and that I met one of my closest confidants and supports - William’s mother, Christine.

As I reflect back on my introduction to Christine and William, my heart is warm and I keep tearing up. Without her involvement, her commitment, her support, her guidance, and her strength, I am not sure I would be the mother, educator, or community leader I am today.

One commiserating day, Christine and I were talking about the lack of networking supports parents had in our community. The school had a group that met, but it was always the school “talking at” us and I didn’t find it helpful. I shared with her that I just wish I could talk to someone who “got it.” While my family definitely supported me, they just didn’t get how difficult Autism was or how hard it was to be a parent of a child with Autism. They also didn’t understand that every child with Autism had different behaviors, needs, and challenges. Christine got it. And there were so many other parents who got it, but no one knew each other. Christine and Nancy had already connected and talked about the same thing. Soon, the three of us became fast friends and fast supporters of others. What started out as brief “meetings” with other parents soon blossomed into presentations, peer groups, and networking strategy. The three of us generated the idea of the CAN group and the rest, as we say, is history.

The Columbus Autism Network is here to offer an outlet to parents for multiple reasons. We cry together, we celebrate together, we vent to each other, we prepare for IEP meetings together, and we SUPPORT each other.

Do you know someone in Bartholomew County (or surrounding counties) that need this network? We would be happy to connect. In future blog posts, we hope to share stories, strategies, and support. Let us know what you want to hear about!

Christine (left) and Heather (right) at one of our annual fundraisers.

Christine (left) and Heather (right) at one of our annual fundraisers.

Christine and William - now a COLLEGE graduate!

Christine and William - now a COLLEGE graduate!

Heather and William at a Student Leadership event for college

Heather and William at a Student Leadership event for college

Heather and her daughter, Sydney - graduate from High School!

Heather and her daughter, Sydney - graduate from High School!


What’s this I hear about a waiver?